Brenda Heather-Latuis the founding co-owner of Latu Lawyers in Samoa.
Brenda is a well-recognised name among the Samoan legal community, having previously been the country's attorney general. She is noted for handling work as both a solicitor and a barrister in the courts of Samoa, as well as advising on matters in the finance space.
Brenda has represented the Governments of New Zealand and Samoa as a legal adviser and advocate before the Courts, tribunals, Parliamentary committees and also internationally as a delegate to the ICC Assembly of States Parties. She has been on the CEDAW committee over a 20 year period appearing as counsel in civil matters as well as a Crown and State Prosecutor, providing robust legal advice to a range of Government enttites, undertaking over 10 directorships in public and private entities and supervising the drafting of legislation for almost a decade.
Since joining private practice in 2007, Brenda has developed a broad practice which specializes in commercial transactions but has a range of other threads including legal consultancies in the region and locally, including as a trainer with the Samoa Institute of Directors and a Regional Adviser for the Australia Pacific Security College 'PSC' based at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia.